Age Verification
The sale of e-liquids and electronic cigarette hardware that contains or can be used to deliver nicotine to anyone under the age of 18, is against the law. No-Match has always had this policy in place even before it became law. The legislation mandates this policy for retailers of e-cigarette products.
Therefore, to ensure absolute and full compliance across our businesses, we have made several changes to our website registration and check out process.
All new registration of accounts will now include a request for entry of the account applicants’ Date of Birth. Although this is not mandatory it will help us to complete the Age Verification process more efficiently. If you do not pass the Age Verification check and have not supplied your birth date we may contact you by phone or e-mail to confirm your birth date.
Our Terms and Conditions have been modified to reflect this new UK legislation and acceptance of these terms also explicitly supports and authorises the use of age verification checks against the account details provided.
The first purchase on every account will be verified by an industry recognised age verification service. Equally, your first order must be sent to the name and home address of the person providing the information. Further orders can have the name and address amended to suit your needs ie. Work address
We have tried to make the changes as simple as possible and are confident they will not affect your experience on our site.